Add the following prefixes to the adjectives below to make words with the opposite meaning. Use a dictionary if necessary. un- in- dis- im- 1 formal polite 7 friendly respectful 2 satisfied practical 8 efficient patient 3 honest 6 considerate 9 important :2 appropriate
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3 (7 оценок)
lyudmilakuznec1 6 лет назад
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1.formal  - informal, polite - impolite, 7. friendly - unfriendly, respectful -disrespectful, 2. satisfied - unsatisfied, practical- impractical,8. efficient - inefficient,   

patient -impatient, 3 honest - dishonest, 6. considerate - inconsiderate,

9. important  - unimportant 2.  appropriate - inappropriate.

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