Помогите срочно надо английский : Вот задание:Сhoose the correct word: 1)A: Look at Tony. He\'s such a good footballer!  B:Yeah, he\'s great/greatly! 2) A: Do you like our new History teacher? B: Yes, his lessons are very interesting/interestingly. 3)A: You play the vilion beautiful/beautifully. B: Thank you. I practies very careful/carefully. 4) A: What do you think of the school dining hall? B: The food is horribly/horrible! 5) A: Are you good/well at Art? B: No! I draw terribly/terrible!
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nunny 10 лет назад
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1)A: Look at Tony. He's such a good footballer!  B:Yeah, he's great! 2) A: Do you like our new History teacher? B: Yes, his lessons are very interesting. 3)A: You play the vilion beautifully. B: Thank you. I practies very carefully. 4) A: What do you think of the school dining hall? B: The food is horrible! 5) A: Are you good at Art? B: No! I draw terribly!

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