Arrange the words and expressions in pairs of antonyms.
1. burst into tears a) finish 2. cry b) be late 3. lose c) useful 4. useless d) the worst 5. wake up e) find 6. begin f) laugh 7. turn red g) the happiest 8. be early h) turn pale 9. the most unhappy i) fall asleep 10. the best j) burst into laughter
5 (2 оценки)
gagarin0703 7 лет назад
Светило науки - 7 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи
burst into tears - burst into laughter
cry - laugh
lose - find
useless - useful
wake up - fall asleep
begin - finish
turn red - turn pale
be early - be late
the most unhappy - the happies
the best - the worst
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Juliyasha11 7 лет назад
Светило науки - 14129 ответов - 47657 раз оказано помощи
1. burst into tears - j) burst into laughter
2. cry - f) laugh
3. lose - e) find 
4. useless -c) useful 
5. wake up - i) fall asleep            
6. begin -a) finish           
7. turn red - h) turn pale      
8. be early b) be late     
9. the most unhappy-g) the happiest   
10. the best -d) the worst 

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