Use the right geographical names to complete the text. See a map of Russia and the word box if necessary.
Russia displays a variety of landforms and environment. Most of the land between the Baltic and (1) ... (предположительно e) is covered by the Russian plain or (2) ... (предположительно d). The Russian plain occupies northwest Russia or (3) ... . To the east of The Russian plain of the Urals is the vast (4) ... or the West Siberian Plain, the greater part of which is occupies by the basin of (5) ... . Much of (6) ... is mountainous. (7) ... (предположительно c) lie south of Lake Baikal and along the border with Mongolia. Between the Black and Caspian Seas are the high (8) ... (предположительно j) which rise to (9) ... at 5642 m (18510 ft) on the (10) ... (предположительно h) border. The Kaliningrad region between (11) ... (предположительно l) and Lithuania on (12) ... is a detached part of Russia.

Карта и слова, которые нужно вставить в пропуски, прилагаются. Напишите только буквы, пжалста.
Пысы. О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, Activity Book VII, Unit 1, ex. 3.
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