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Once upon a time the North Wind A) _ the Sun that he was stronger than him. The Sun disagreed. So they made a
bet on which could force a man take off his coat. The North Wind said: «If you make that traveller in the forest take off his coat, I B) _ that you are stronger». The North Wind decided to show how strong and fierce he could be. The North Wind started to blow hard. It C)
freezing cold, the trees in the forest were shaking, and the traveller put on his fur hat. The Wind blew even harder, a few trees D) _, but the man only wrapped the coat closely around him to keep warm. The Sun smiled and began to shine. The traveller felt pleasant warmth and took off his hat. The Sun kept shining and finally the man stopped and took off his coat. The Sun said: «See? Kindness always E) _ where anger and force fail».

A 1)told 2)tell 3)telling 4)was telling
B 1) admit 2) am admitting 3) admitted 4) will admit
C 1) is 2) was 3) were 4) was being
D 1)broken 2) breaking 3) broke 4) break
E 1)won 2) winning 3) is winning 4) wins

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