Make sentences from the words and write them in your notebook. Put one verb in the past simple and one verb in the past continuous.

1 i/shop/when/ meet / her
(i was shopping when i met her.)

2 While/we/ eat / breakfast / the letter / arrive

3 Sarah/not go / because /she/not feel / very well

4 As/i/fall/my parachute / suddenly / open

5 you/have/ a shower / when/i/phone?

6 Gavin/break / his arm / while / he /do / judo​
3 (2 оценки)
firescorpion991 2 года назад
Светило науки - 135 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


1. While we were eating breakfast the letter arrived.

2. Sarah didn't go because she was not feeling very well.

3. As i was falling my parachute suddenly opened.

4. Were you having a shower when i phoned?

5. Gavin broke his arm while he was doing judo.

Хорошего тебе дня желаю <3

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