Put the words in the correct order to make sentences 1 go/he/to/town/did/yesterday? 2. she/from/did /France/come? 3. rucksack/her/was/red. 4. they/yesterday/left/home. 5. Peter/in/did /Scotland/live? 6. granny/to/the/listened last night /radio. 7. swam/in/my/big/swimming pool/brother/thes 8. attend/you/that/did/school?​
4 (5 оценок)
bananaboom913 2 года назад
Светило науки - 3 ответа - 0 раз оказано помощи


1.Did he go to town yesterday? 2.Did she come from France? 3.He was red rucksack? 4.Do they left home yesterday? 5.Did Peter live in Scotland? 6.Did granny listened a radio last night? 7. Did you attend to school?


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