1 105 Choose the correct words. Then
listen and check.
1 watch magazines / TV
2 listen to music /the cinema
3 play the internet /computer games
4 meet things / friends
5 play sport/cycling
6 collect things / French
7 take mp3s/photos
8 go shopping / shops
9 surf TV /the internet
10 go swimming / football
11 play singing / in a band
12 go tennis / cycling
13 go to the cinema/films
14 read magazines and books / money
4 (15 оценок)
FedоrM 3 года назад
Светило науки - 1881 ответ - 8609 раз оказано помощи
  1. TV
  2. music
  3. computer games
  4. friends
  5. sport
  6. things
  7. photos
  8. shopping
  9. the Internet
  10. swimming
  11. in a band
  12. cycling
  13. the cinema
  14. magazines and books
4 (14 оценок)
CarolineSmith 3 года назад
Светило науки - 178 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи



watch TV

listen to music

Play the computer games

Meet friends

Play sport

Collect things

Take photos

Go shopping

Go cycling

Surf the internet

Go swimming

Play in a band


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