B Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 making / breakfast / is / this morning / Dad /? Is…Pad.making.breakfast.this.morning?…
2 aren\'t / tonight / costumes / the actors / wearing /
3 to New York / at the moment / flying / / am / .
4 listening to / you / music / are / ?
5 a picture / isn\'t / the artist / now / painting /​
5 (2 оценки)
DmitriyDonskoy15 3 года назад
Светило науки - 35 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


1. Is dad making breakfast this morning?

2. The actors aren't wearing costumes tonight.

3. Am I going to New York at the moment?

4. Are you listening to music?

5. The artist isn't painting the picture now.

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