1. I... (move) to London.
2. 1 ... (fly) to the Moon.
3.1 ... (marry) at 25.
4. We ... (have) three kids.
5. My wife ... (become) a famous actress.
6. My wife and children (travel) all over the
7. We ... (eat) in restaurants every day.
8. I ... (open) a flying school in England.
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5 (1 оценка)
runayomozuki47 3 года назад
Светило науки - 9 ответов - 0 раз оказано помощи


1.I am going to move to London

2.I am going to fly to the moon

3.I am going to marry at 25

4.We are going to have three kids.

5.My eife going to become a famous actress.

6.My wife and children are going to travel all over the world

7.We are going to eat in restaurants every day.

8.I am going to open a flying school in England

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